What are the health benefits of grassfed beef?

Grassfed beef is obtained from cattle that feed on grass as well as other foraged food products. The variations in the diet among cattle can alter the fats and nutrients that beef-lovers get when they consume grassfed beef. In comparison to other types of beef, what exactly are the health benefits of eating grassfed beef?


Fewer calories

One of the health benefits of eating grass-fed beef is that it’s leaner, making it lower in calories than other beef. For this reason, lean beef is a better choice of meat in terms of weight loss.

21.8 g Protein | 3.7 mg Zinc | 1.8 mg Iron


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is seen in larger quantity in the meat and milk taken from grassfed cows. This acid is noted for its role in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Although grassfed beef is not high in fat, it has good quality portions of Omega-3 fatty acids, or “heart healthy” fats, which happen to be essential in cellular function all around the body. These types of fatty acids are likewise good for the brain, lowering factors that cause depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and hyperactivity. Omega-3 fatty acids are also helpful for irregular high blood pressure and heartbeats.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has been shown to lessen the risks of developing cancer and heart disease, as well as being an antioxidant with some indications for anti-aging benefits. Other health benefits of eating grassfed beef include high levels of B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, a healthy amount of omega-6 fatty acids, and high levels of beta carotene.


Why Grassfed Beef

While mass producers of beef would have the general public believe that all beef is the same, it’s simply not true. The quality of the beef you eat is highly influenced by the health and nutritional intake of the cow, just as your overall health is affected in large part by the foods that YOU eat. In an age when hormones and pesticides are commonly used on plants and animals for speedy growth to increase profits, it’s important to question the health effects these chemicals will have on your body.