W&R Farm & Ranch Delivers Grassfed Beef Raised The Cowboy Way

For nearly three decades, I’ve been raising beef the old fashioned way, the same was my family has for 5 generations. In recent years, we’ve expanded on the cowboy way of life here at W&R Farm & Ranch to incorporate modern day technology -- offering grass fed beef in San Antonio and across Texas with local delivery and shipping available.

My dad has always been involved in agriculture, and my mom worked at a school that was on a ranch, so the ranch way of life is how I grew up in deep South Texas. We raise British breed cattle, including Hereford, Angus, Red Angus, Black Baldy and Red Baldy.”

For me, earning money through raising livestock started in 3rd grade with active involvement in 4-H. It was a huge part of our family. I raised pigs and chickens, and it allowed me to pay for college debt-free and have money for our first home.

Outside of 4-H, the family ranch was a constant of my upbringing, and it was always my dream to continue the family business.

It’s neat to grow up in this life and to know that one day, it’ll be your turn to keep it going.It takes a while, because it’s not your time until it is. My dad, my grandfather and uncles -- the lineage is always passing down, and we’re already teaching our kids what they’ll need to know to take it over one day, too.

While our youngest kids, ages 5 and 2, aren’t quite old enough to participate in the family business yet, our 8 year old son is already fully immersed in the ranch lifestyle and loving every minute of it.

When he works, he works a full 10 hour day with us and earns a full day rate as a ranch hand. He would do it every day of his life if you let him. He knows when a cow is getting angry, when they’re getting anxious. He castrates, ropes -- everything the grownups do. Even more than that, he understands why we do what we do, the way we do it.

With ranching operations in four Texas counties -- LaSalle, Nueces, Real and Live Oak -- we run our grass fed cattle the old fashioned way because it’s the standard we hold ourselves to, not because it’s the latest, greatest fashion.

I love it because I think it’s a dying art. I hear these great stories and folklore about cowboys -- men among men. I hold that up to a higher standard. I think everybody puts down the cowboy as just being a redneck. But if you know about all the husbandry, the money, the love that goes into it, and you rely a lot on yourself and others in the same lifestyle, you know it’s honest work for honest pay.

You can get rich sometimes, but you can get poor really fast, too. I love the essence of being on horseback with spurs and chaps, having my kids ride out with me. I’ve had offers to go back into the oil field, but there’s beauty in what we do and we’re blessed to do it. We have family land. We helped a lot of people in our community learn how to be a good steward of the land, and I consider that an honor and responsibility.


Our beef is USDA and grass fed certified through our butcher, Dean and Peeler Meatworks in Poth, TX. You can buy grass fed ground beef, steaks, roasts, and other meat as needed, but we also offer the option to purchase a whole steer, and you can customize your cuts in the way that suits you best.

People know what they like, what they want, and we’re here to have that for you.What you want on your table, whether it’s a 2 pound package or bone in or roast for crockpots -- that’s who we want to sell to. The person who knows what they want and knows that we’re giving them quality.

When you purchase a whole steer, which you can do by contacting us at wrlowryfarms@gmail.com, you can dictate your desired cuts, thicknesses, bone-in or bone-out, packaging size and how you want to get your meat (we can deliver it or you can pick it up straight from the butcher).

There’s a huge benefit to buying meat a whole steer at a time.You eat better because it’s there, already in your freezer. No grocery shopping needed, just pull out lean beef and cook it.

Currently, we offer only grass fed beef, which means the cattle have exclusively fed on grass, hay and forage -- no grains. In Winter of this year, we’ll be adding organic fed beef as well.

Our organic fed steers will be fed certified organic corn for better fat deposits (flavor) in the meat. We’ve got 50 acres of Certified Organic Corn in East Texas right now that was planted for this operation. All of our cattle are all raised by us, to our standards, under our supervision on our land.

Barn2Door Admin